TPM3D Manufacturer of Additives with TÜV CE Certif

TPM3D Manufacturer of Additives with TÜV CE Certif

TPM3D Manufacturer of Additives with TÜV CE Certif

      On June 15, 2017, TPM3D addictive manufacturing (AM) system passed the CE certification of TüV Rheinland at the cost of 19 months and 9 million yuan and obtained the certificate by the strictest TüV Rheinland in Germany. After the signing ceremony on the site, TPM3D became the first researcher and producer of AM systems in China with TüV CE certification. 

      It means the brand TPM3D has laid the foundation for further development in European and American markets as well as the domestic customers: the good vision for product manufacturing based on EU standards, while in the process of technological innovation and sustainability, TPM3D will also gain competitive advantages for Chinese companies and contribute for Made in China through TüV Rheinland expertise in the field of sustainability and global credibility. 

TPM3D gained TUV CE certificate

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